About Us

Detalex Core-Team

Dietmar Hamm, CEO

As the founder and chief visionary, Dietmar is the driving force behind the company. He loves to keep his hands full by contributing to software development, marketing and design. As a developer and software architect, he has a very good understanding of the technologies behind it. His experience in the implementation of customer requirements in software solutions is as good as endless.

Alexander Milgrud, CEO

Alex loves challenges. With his many years of experience as a technical lead and developer, Alex has made the company what it is today. Alex is one of the best Detalex heads. Alex is multi-talented as he is not only a brilliant software developer and software architect but also a hardware close engineer. He masters the interaction of electronics and mechanics. He sees through the work of network protocols and microprocessor systems.

Johannes Hamm

Johannes is an expert in analyzing and mapping operational processes in the Odoo ecosystem. Be it cost accounting, project management, warehouse management, human resources, production or invoicing.  

Denys Rolia

My skills are very broad and deep in everything that’s concerned web-development, processes, time & risk management. 10 years of experience.

Received praises for my skills of talking to clients, understanding their needs and transforming them into technical specification for development. Highly pragmatical person.

I am very good in understanding complex systems, data migrations, major refactoring, architecture, big projects development because I can keep a lot of information in my head at once and also have my ways of effective organisation.